Safety is important for your family. Here are easy ways to protect yourself at home:

1. Install Fire Prevention Equipment. Over 50% of fire deaths happen because smoke alarms aren’t working. Every level and every bedroom should have a smoke alarm. Every level of your home should have a fire extinguisher. Replace smoke alarm batteries regularly.

2. Practice Kitchen Safety. Do not leave the kitchen when you are cooking. If you have small children, use back burners. Teach children to stay several feet away from the stove. Unplug small kitchen appliances when not in use.

3. Check for Recalls. Go to to check for product recalls. Go to to see other people’s product problems.

4. Inspect Power Cords. Be sure your power cords are not frayed of damaged. Do not put electric cords or extension cords under carpeting because they can overheat or be damaged by furniture.

5. Keep Dryer Vents Clear.
Clean you lint screen regularly to avoid fires. Be sure your dryer vents are clear.

Be Safe!