Here are some easy fire safety steps to prevent fires and keep your family safe.

1.    Install and Maintain Smoke Detectors

          The smoke detector’s warning should give you time to escape a fire.  Install a smoke detector on every floor of your house and outside each sleeping area.

          Regularly test the smoke detector.   Replace batteries twice a year.

     2.     Plan and Practice Escape Routes

          Plan two ways out of every room.  Make sure your children know the escape routes and practice the escape plan with them.

     3.     Kitchen Safety

          Never leave cooking unattended.  Turn the pot handles towards the center of the stove so they can’t be accidentally knocked over.

          If a grease fire starts, use a lid of a pan to smother the flames.  Then turn off the burner.

     4.     Candle Safety

           Candles have open flames.  Keep papers, drapes and any combustibles well away.  Never leave a lit candle unattended.